Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Sudden Break Through.....

While in College, I had no idea what I REALLY wanted to do. I was always kind of told what to do. I was told that I was going to take over my dad's business and run that. I had no desire to be in construction forever, so I dropped out of college, majoring in Business Management, and decided to take a few years off. Unknowing of what the next few years might hold. My dads business is sucking hardcore and I don't really have any kind of job security at the moment. Anywho, that may be a story for another day.

While on my break, I had played some online games ( a total loser) and found a thing called "Forums". I made quite a few friends and they were into graphics and making things with Photoshop. I was in such awe of this, I had to get a piece of this action! So, I got Adobe Photoshop and proceeded to teach myself the in and outs of Photoshop. Mind you, I do not know ALL of photoshop, but I can do a few tricks. I've been learning from small tutorials for two years now.

This update is just to show you all a few things I have worked on in the past. A few of my favorite things. My photobucket has "Brogan" in it because I am fasinated with that name and did not want to forget it. Call it my "alias" if you will. All the following were requests by friends of mine (and some a few of my own).


Anyway, I won't bore you with ALL of them. There are a LOT of pages to post. If you want to see more, you can simply go look for yourself. There are other kinds of "Albums" to it. They can be found on the left side. I hope you like what you see.

See ya!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

She's Out Of My League....

Recently, I've watched the movie 'She's Out Of My League' and I could not help but to agree that the story line was totally true. I'll try to spare you the good stuff, but it's basically about a guy that gets the chance of a lifetime with a random stranger he met at work. They date and all that jazz, then they find out a bit about more about each other. The guy is banking on that there HAS to be something wrong with this girl! She is absolutely too perfect! What is her imperfection! Come to find out, she is just taking a chance on a different kind of guy because all the other "Prince Charming"'s were just......umm...not what they cracked up to be. You should see the movie. It was pretty good.

Anyway, I was in total agreement till the end. They lived happily ever after!? See, I could see myself in the role of the male character. Kind of lame, doesn't really have all the cool stuff many other people have. I have acne scars ('s true!). I'm not muscular (workin on that one). I don't have all the perfect things to say. My hairline has currently decided to recede. Sometimes, I like to let things go (aka: My house is a bit messy at times.). This movie was so right till the end!

What are the odds of a guy like me finding a great ~classy~ girl that would enjoy me for everything I am? I'm guessing slim to none. Prove me wrong. AND DON'T YOU DARE SAY SEAL AND HEIDI KLUM! They BOTH have money!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Current Situation...

I wish I could start all over on my blog. I read a few of my previous posts and I am so completely lame. Haha. I hope I can entertain you all with some more interesting things.

A few things from a nearly a year ago (Can't believe it's been that long). My brother and his wife has moved back from China and they had a baby. His name is samuel and he is 4 months old. The kid is amazing and it's so unreal that I am an uncle. I never thought I'd see the day that I'd have a little person that would look up to me. Problem is, is he's in Denver and I live somewhere close to Kansas City. Eight hour trips by car are never fun and cause a lot of wear and tear on a car. Therefore, I will miss a lot of his life.

Speaking of Denver, I went out there to pursue my career as a Graphic Designer and to see if I could get into the Art Institute out there. I went through the applications, the fees and meetings. What really sucks is that I could not raise up the money to get in. Why? Because a year before that, my parents used to be somebody. I'm a White American that is under 24 (yea, you can't register as independent on the FAFSA till you're 24) with parents that made well over $250,000 the year before. You may be asking, "Why can't they just help you pay for it?". Well, the school is a $90,000 school for the three years and my dad's business just isn't what it used to be. He hardly makes $80,000 and we have heaps of bills to pay. Just like any American today.

So, yea, it sucks that I can't get in there, but I'm determined to keep teaching myself and learning on my own through tutorials on the internet. I am currently talking to a company called "Drexel Technologies" and they may have an intern position open for me, even if I don't have a college degree. I do plan on going back to school as soon as I can "be on my own" and the Government will be able to help a bit. I'm not scared to work and go to school, so that is always an option, but I know I can't do ALL of it on my own.

Right now, there's not much else going on......I wish there were more to it, but I think this is all that I can handle. lol

-Chris Hickman

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Lol, no. I really didn't JUST get paid. It just so happens to be the song I'm listening to. I don't care who you are, this song will get you goin, so stfu.

Anywho, things with my backstabbing friend and I are fine. We don't hang out as much as we used to, may be best that way.

Man, I've been drivin around, and a subject will pop into my head, and I'm all "YES! THIS IS A BRILLIANT THING TO BLOG ABOUT!" but I can't remember them. :( I think I'm best when I'm just ranting and raving about something that doesn't even matter in- OH WAIT! HERE IT IS!

I really would like to go back to college! And I need some advice! I have been playing around in the Graphics world, and I have taught myself a few things! I cannot say that I'm real awesome at this stuff, but....I'd like to be one day. So, I figured it'd be a GREAT idea to go into the Graphic Design field! Thing is, I'm REALLY poor, and I wasn't too great at school.

Two things I'm really scared about college, is that I've NEVER been good at math and science. Matter of fact, I never took my SATs. =S Now, I heard that Graphic Design really doesn't require any science, and that it's pretty basic math. I'm not scared about the best, cause I just LOVE photoshop and all that comes with that stuff. :) I really think.....this might be my calling. Hmm...I'll post some so you guys can tell me what you think with some of the stuff I've made. I've just been doin tutorials and all, so it's not much.

Anywho, I should be alright with getting SOME grants, and I know I'm not gonna get out of this without debt, but I'll be working AND goin to school so I can pay as I go and after I graduate. Loans will enemy, but it'll have to be a factor in it. I also have to get out of KANSAS! lol, I like it here, but it's not the ideal place for Graphic Designers.

Tell me what'chall think!

474 pictures. SOME DONE, SOME NOT! So, if you see one that just.....really weird, it's prolly not done. xD And, the farther you go back into the album, that's when I began. Also, "Brogan" is my alias. I wanna name my first son "Brogan".


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things That Have Really Been Bothering Me...

First, my best friend in the world, decided he'd go and do the incredible and destroy a great relationship that lasted for 3 years. What happened, you ask? I won't go there, but I can't trust him any longer. I wish things wouldn't have happened the way they did, but they did and I must move on, and it's hard. What would possess a person to go behind a friends back, and deceive them? When you weigh out the consequences, the decision isn't hard or complicated.

Some of you may think that I decided to do this over some petty thing like "talking bad about me". No. That's not it at all. Something like that can be forgiven, but not this.

Second, I absolutely HATE when people act like complete idiots to get attention they don't deserve. Example: "Alright.....I guess I'm gonna go. You know...since no one wants me around" When really, people want that PERSON around, just not their attention whoring attitude. When you make everyone out to feel bad for something they didn't do, then you really should get a hold of yourself, and the fix whatever the heck is wrong with you!

Third and I believe final, I'm not a fan of leading someone on to thinking you're gonna be cool and nice to them, and then completely shutting them out. This happened to me recently with two people. One was a person I didn't hang out with much in High School, but later on became pretty cool friends. Yes, I'm aware that people are busy in their own lives and we all have MANY things to do. But to not even answer a simple text? Haha, com'on. The second person has done this to me many times. But, the care I have for her and her young one is something I will always have. So, I will probably be taken advantage of from this person many more times to come. It's sad, yes. But, I'm a caring person. I guess this is just one of those times that you really start to see who your friends really are, and hope you can make it out with your head held high and your dignity intact. What I'm trying to get at is; if you don't someone to be around or be in your life, then just tell them. Don't just leave them hanging, wondering what's going on or if they'll ever see you again. Let them go.

Alright.......I feel better now.

-Chris Hickman.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

ALIGHT! I have a what?

HAHA! Alright, lets begin. Just so I don't run you guys off, I'm going to break down my life in little pieces. =] But first, I just wanted to tell you more about me. I'm 21, I work in construction and HATE my job. I have other passions for my life, but we'll get to them in due time. I live in my parents second home, and I'm currently going through Financial Peace University (Well, in August) and I'm really excited to see what's in store for me.

Living alone, there are a lot of times that I wish SOMEONE was there. Someone, just someone. I just really hope that someday, I can get out on my own....with a roommate or something, and just succeed.

I don't have much else to say, and I"m sure a lot more will come to me as life goes on. Thanks for reading, whoever reads this.